depression in seniors

Combating Loneliness in Older Adults: Strategies for Connection and Well-Being

By |2025-01-06T15:47:17-06:00January 13th, 2025|Categories: Aging in Place|Tags: , , |

Combating Loneliness in Older Adults: Strategies for Connection and Well-Being. Your mom lives alone and no longer drives. She rarely leaves the house and has lost connections with friends and no longer participates in activities that she used to love. You worry about her spending too much time alone - and with good reason. [...]

10 Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder

By |2024-01-15T15:49:10-06:00January 11th, 2024|Categories: Aging in Place|Tags: , |

10 Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder Your dad is sleeping more than usual.  Your mom has lost interest in Bingo and other activities she used to love. Is it just the winter blues or could it be something more serious? Winter for Seniors Is Hard “The winter months can be hard for seniors. The [...]

Beating the Winter Blues

By |2023-01-26T10:16:11-06:00January 26th, 2023|Categories: Healthy Living|Tags: , , , , , |

Beating the Winter Blues Are the short, dark days getting your senior loved ones down? “The short, dark days do more than usher in more than winter weather,” said Sierra Goetz, co-founder and operations manager for the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “During the winter months, many seniors begin to feel down. Freezing temperatures , [...]

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